Sunday, September 10, 2006

I won the Short Story Reader’s Choice ALL TIME contest category with That Dress.

I won the Spring is in the Air, and then the Bow Wow contest. I later sold that story to a print magazine. Then the Summer Love contest was announced. The asshat who claimed he had won both contests (even though he didn't enter) I won was determined his online girlfriend should win.
There were 37 reviews of That Dress. Of that number, 36 were individuals. One person reviewed it twice.

There were 41 reviews of the other entry. Of that number, 32 were individuals, 7 (top reviewers) "reviewed" it twice, and Asshat "reviewed" it three times.
If the weight were even, the playing field level, and the players fair, I would have won. They've repeatedly accused me of ratcheting up my stories by reposting them so the same group of MY friends can rereview them. I view this as projection.

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